Hi There,

On this page you can find out a little about me.

My name is Trish and I am a 58 year young woman, from New Zealand. I am married... I have had 4 children, 3 of whom are still living. I have 6 beautiful Grandbrats.

My enjoyments in life are, of course, my girls and their families, my dogs, my computer, photo manipulating and editing, music of most genres and walking. I also enjoy doing crosswords, cryptic crosswords, and hand crafts

I am shy in reality. I am self conscious away from family and friends but confident in what I know I can do well.

I joined an online group called Pirc Beginners Workshop a few years ago and I sure have learned a lot, and I think I have finally found something I thoroughly enjoy doing and that I am passably good at.


About paho
How I Did Them
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